
Our business:
Auditing is one of our core competencies and a key pillar of our range of services

Auditing is and always will be a major part of our business. Accordingly, our focus in this area cuts across many different levels. This is reflected among other things in the large number of Wirtschaftsprüfer (German public auditors) on our staff who benefit from ongoing professional development in our in-house WiTreu Academy, and of course in our investment in quality assurance and digitalisation.

Our goal:
Trust and certainty

Our primary focus in our range of auditing services is on one goal: Providing you and your business partners with maximum certainty, by means of trustworthy and reliable business information based on our longstanding experience and the high quality of our work. On the basis of our audit reports and findings, we support medium-sized enterprises and business owners in complex decision-making situations. Because when it comes to assessing opportunities and risks and to taking well-founded business decisions, reliable figures are absolutely essential.

Our mission:
Added value for you and your business

We see our auditing services as being about far more than just compliance with regulatory requirements – every time, we also seek to generate added value for you and your business. This includes keeping a watch on potential ramifications for shareholders. We equally maintain a focus on tax implications: All Wirtschaftsprüfer on our staff are also qualified Steuerberater (tax advisors). Where your assignment requires, we additionally coordinate staff for you from our other competencies.

Our core competencies


We audit annual, consolidated and interim financial statements in accordance with German GAAP and IFRS. With our internationally oriented expert team of auditors, tax advisors, IT consultants and lawyers and through our membership of AGN International, we can also support you in complex international group audits and in the auditing of foreign subsidiaries.


Special audits

In various situations, you may need to have certain matters verified and confirmed by an external expert – whether it is to comply with statutory or contractual requirements or on a voluntary basis to support or secure your own negotiating or decision-making situation. As experienced auditors, special audits of this kind are part of our core business. In close collaboration with our tax advisors, lawyers and IT consultants, our focus here is primarily – but not exclusively – on the following services:


  • Auditing services on company formation, changes of legal form and changes in share capital (including impairment testing)
  • Appropriateness assessment of merger squeeze-out cash compensation
  • Audit of pro-forma financial information and separate financial statements
  • Financial, tax, legal and IT due diligence
  • Issuing of comfort letters for corporate actions
  • Compliance audits/embezzlement audits
  • Certificate in accordance with section 270b of the German Insolvency Code (InsO) in conjunction with protective shield proceedings under the ESUG restructuring legislation
  • Audit of the use of funds (ESF/grants from foundations)
  • Audit of financial information in connection with EU funding
  • Tests of IT control
  • IT security audits
  • Audit of the proper conduct of management in accordance with section 53 of the Budgetary Principles Act (HGrG)
  • Audits in accordance with the Real Estate Agent and Property Developer Ordinance (MaBV)


Tests of IT control

IT systems are becoming increasingly complex and are involved in almost every operational business process. Constantly growing demands are placed on their performance and reliability. We therefore carry out targeted IT system audits and mass data analyses as part of our financial statement audits and in the course of separate engagements. A special focus is placed on auditing interfaces and IT controls. These audits are carried out in close consultation between our IT-proficient auditors and our IT experts.

Overview of our services:

  • IT system audits in accordance with IDW PS 330/IDW FAIT 1 (both in connection with the audit of the financial statements and as a separate audit)
  • IT security audits (IT security policies, data security, authorisation policies, etc.)
  • Conduct of mass data analyses (both in connection with the audit of the financial statements and as a separate audit)
  • Data protection audits
  • Data and interface testing to simulate digital tax audits with the tool used by the taxation authorities
  • IDW PS 880 on the auditing of software products at the manufacturer and the issuing of software certificates
  • Auditing of compliance with German proper accounting principles (GoB) in the case of electronic archiving

Audit-related consulting services

The professional designation “Wirtschaftsprüfer” – German Public Auditor – is widely recognised as a hallmark of authoritative professional expertise, and it naturally makes sense to apply that same expertise in areas beyond the traditional audit portfolio. This is the focus of our audit-related consulting services.

With our interdisciplinary approach bringing together auditors, tax advisors, lawyers and IT experts, we are able to provide you with comprehensive advisory services in the following audit-related fields:


  • Support for corporate transactions
  • Consulting in relation to IFRS
  • Provision of second opinions on complex accounting matters
  • Consulting on matters of capital market law
  • Tax, legal, financial and IT due diligence
  • Integrated budget preparation
  • Introduction of compliance management systems
  • Group structure optimisation
  • Business plan preparation and plausibility checking

Municipal enterprises

Our main focus in the municipal and public-sector enterprises sector is on the following services:

  • Tax, legal and business management consulting for corporate transactions
  • Tax structuring advisory, taking into account the specific circumstances of municipal enterprises (including tax groups comprising municipal enterprises, commercial operations, etc.).
  • Introduction of tax compliance systems
  • Auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements
  • Audit of the proper conduct of management in accordance with section 53 of the Budgetary Principles Act (HGrG)
  • Preparation of municipal opening balance sheets
  • Grant audits
  • IT security consulting
  • IT security/data protection/IT system audits
  • IT system audits in accordance with IDW standards
  • Consulting on the GDPR
  • All valuation issues (corporate valuation, asset valuation and purchase price allocation)


A key focus of our consulting services is on the energy sector. Energy providers and municipal utilities are undergoing an unprecedented transformation process due to changes in the underlying conditions faced by the energy sector.

We support companies in the energy sector with our expertise and the following services:

  • Audit of separate accounts in accordance with budgetary or EU regulations
  • Special audits in accordance with the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and Combined Heat and Power Act (KWK-G)
  • Grid valuations for grid acquisitions (valuation using the income capitalisation approach)
  • Audit of separate activity financial statements in accordance with section 6b of the German Energy Act (EnWG)
  • Profitability calculations for decisions on investment in energy-producing assets (such as wind or solar farms)

“Assuming responsibility is not just our job, it is our commitment.”

Carsten Ernst
Managing Partner


Our Wirtschaftsprüfer/German public auditors in Stuttgart
  • Carsten Ernst
    Carsten Ernst Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Sustainability Reporting
    +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Carsten Ernst

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Ralf Heinstein
    Ralf Heinstein Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Ralf Heinstein

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Heni
    Prof. Dr. Georg Heni Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Prof. Dr. Georg Heni

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Dr. Werner Kleinle
    Dr. Werner Kleinle Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dr. Werner Kleinle

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Philipp Krais
    Philipp Krais Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Philipp Krais

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Dieter Narr
    Dieter Narr Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dieter Narr

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Peter Richter
    Peter Richter Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Peter Richter

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • André Tabet
    André Tabet Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    André Tabet

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

Our Wirtschaftsprüfer/German public auditors in Munich
  • Heinz Wilhelm Bühler
    Heinz Wilhelm Bühler Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Heinz Wilhelm Bühler

    Location: München

  • Dr. André Fiebiger
    Dr. André Fiebiger Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dr. André Fiebiger

    Location: München

  • Johanna Göttlich
    Johanna Göttlich Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Johanna Göttlich

    Location: München

  • Anna Junkmann
    Anna Junkmann Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Anna Junkmann

    Location: München

  • Stefan Knab
    Stefan Knab Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Stefan Knab

    Location: München

  • Andreas Weinberger
    Andreas Weinberger Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Andreas Weinberger

    Location: München

Our Wirtschaftsprüfer/German public auditors in Ludwigsburg
  • Daniel Faust
    Daniel Faust Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Daniel Faust

    Location: Ludwigsburg

Sustainability reporting

Mandatory preparation of sustainability reports is coming soon

Prepare today for reporting on your sustainability activities across the dimensions of environment, social and governance (ESG) as part of your corporate sustainability responsibility (CSR).

We support you in analysing your sustainability activities and reporting on them in a structured manner according to EU standards.

Learn more