German Tax Advisory

Our goal:
Relieving your burden

Our focus in our tax advisory services is on a single goal: Serving you as a reliable partner in all tax matters. Almost all business decisions also require tax implications to be taken into account – and that is where we are there for you. We keep track of everything on the tax side leaving you to focus on the business.

Our mission:
Optimum tax structuring advice

We have decades of experience in tax structuring advisory for the upper medium-sized enterprise segment, for businesses and owners alike. You stand to benefit from that experience – with high-quality, integrated tax-optimised solutions for complex tax matters. Deep professional understanding of tax rules and regulations comes as a matter of course – as does our ongoing focus on changes in tax law, both current and in the pipeline.

Our team:
Interdisciplinary expertise

At Wirtschaftstreuhand, the tax advice, auditing and legal professions work hand in hand: Steuerberater (German tax advisors), Wirtschaftsprüfer (German public auditors) and Rechtsanwälte (qualified German lawyers) join forces in an interdisciplinary approach to ensure that we always take relevant business and legal dimensions into account in our tax advisory services. This enables us to make the best possible use of the available options and latitude, and to identify any need for tax optimisation at an early stage.

Our service:
Global reach

We are also the consultants of choice for tax questions in relation to cross-border matters. In collaboration with partners in our AGN network, we can provide fast and reliable individual solutions for your international activities. We are proud to count several experts in international tax law among our team.

Our core competencies

Tax structuring advisory

Our experts provide tax structuring advice taking all relevant factors into account for tax optimisation. At all times, our primary goal is to minimise your tax burden.

Succession consulting

Succession planning is as multifaceted and unique as your business and you as a business owner. Our interdisciplinary consulting approach therefore centres on far-sighted and comprehensive succession consulting taking into account company law, inheritance law and family law questions along with business considerations and the optimum use of tax structuring options.

International tax law and transfer pricing

As markets globalise, companies too are becoming increasingly international. Investing abroad opens up new opportunities but also entails large tax risks. We offer comprehensive advice in matters of international tax law, taking in the tax framework along with all aspects of civil, company and commercial law.

Tax due diligence

Before making any business acquisition, it is vital to examine the business in detail to avoid later surprises and take contractual precautions against any risks. As part of our consulting services, we provide various forms of due diligence. On request, we can also organise the entire due diligence process.

Tax compliance

Tax rules and requirements have become significantly more complex in recent years. Professionally implemented and suitably focused, an integrated tax compliance management system can not only significantly reduce liability risks at critical moments, but also deliver multiple benefits. We provide comprehensive and structured support in implementing your individually designed tax CMS.

Additional focuses

Transaction consulting

Few areas of consulting are as complex and multifaceted as providing support in the context of corporate transactions.

Our interdisciplinary team of tax advisors, auditors and lawyers is at your side to advise you in Stuttgart, Munich and throughout Germany on planned corporate acquisitions and other transactions. Our goal is to identify significant risks in all areas at an early stage and to mitigate them – in particular through contractual arrangements.


Overview of our services in transaction consulting:

  • Coordination of all parties involved in the process
  • Carrying out tax, legal, financial and IT due diligence
  • Tax-optimised transaction structuring
  • Legal advice from the initial confidentiality agreement/LOI through to closing
  • Valuation questions
  • Support in financing matters

Value added tax

VAT rules are constantly changing. Taxation authorities are continually imposing stricter documentation and verification requirements, especially for transactions with an international dimension. For companies, the whole subject is increasingly confusing. Large backpayments as a result of tax audits are not uncommon. As an AGN member with a large international network, we can clarify matters with an international context for you quickly and pragmatically.

Avoid unnecessary VAT risks. Request our advice on the latest rules and regulations. We keep track of everything for you.

Overview of our services in VAT consulting:

  • Preparation of fact sheets and checklists on matters such as invoicing requirements, documentation requirements for cross-border services, etc.
  • Analysis and assessment of the VAT effects of business transactions
  • Advice and support on compliance with VAT documentation and reporting requirements
  • Provision of tailored employee seminars on VAT topics (e.g. for sales, procurement or accounting staff)
  • Auditing of VAT-related internal business processes
  • Conduct of tax reviews focusing on VAT
  • Supervision of special audits relating to VAT
  • Support in VAT-related appeals and lawsuits
  • Support in cross-border VAT cases and coordination of VAT registrations in other EU member states

Foundations and registered associations

Many clubs, societies, charities and similar organisations in Germany take the form of an eingetragener Verein or registered association, of which there are over 600,000 across the country. Almost every second German citizen contributes to society through membership of such an association. As with sectoral federations (Verbände) and foundations (Stiftungen), associations are generally organised on a non-profit basis and give rise in practice to specific tax questions: What should be included in the articles of association? When is an association tax-exempt? How does an association differ from a foundation? What does a donation receipt have to contain? What has to be considered in terms of tax?

With our many years of experience in accounting and taxation matters as they relate to associations and foundations, we can provide you with optimum support in these and other issues. In addition to ongoing tax and accounting advice and support, we will also be happy to assist you with the auditing of foundations and associations and with all related legal questions.

In our comprehensive consulting activities, we pay particular attention to the strict legal requirements for ensuring tax exemption or tax relief. At the same time, we watch to ensure that the association or foundation adheres to the defining objectives set out in its articles.

Simulation of digital tax audits

For most businesses, the announcement of a tax audit is a source of worry – in some cases even more so since the introduction of digital tax audits. Areas that previously used to be only sampled are now subjected to comprehensive analysis using auditing software. Such an audit sets the bar far higher than used to be the case in analogue times.

We simulate digital tax audits for you in advance to identify potential risks, which we then discuss with you and help to eliminate. For the purpose, the experts at WirtschaftsTreuhand use the same Interactive Data Extraction and Analysis (IDEA) software as the tax authorities. In this way, we dispel any worries about an impending (digital) tax audit and provide you with a sound basis for assessing the expected results of the audit in advance, allowing you to take corrective action if necessary. You are thus ideally prepared for making future business decisions.

“Our clients can rely on their advisor – day after day and year after year.”

Martin Lucas
Managing Partner


Your experts in Stuttgart
  • Nicola Aydt
    Nicola Aydt Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Nicola Aydt

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Michael Effinger
    Michael Effinger Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Diplom degree in business administration +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Michael Effinger

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Carsten Ernst
    Carsten Ernst Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Sustainability Reporting
    Diplom-Kaufmann (en)
    +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Carsten Ernst

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Marion Greiner
    Marion Greiner Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Marion Greiner

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Mirco Hagemeyer
    Mirco Hagemeyer Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Mirco Hagemeyer

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Ralf Heinstein
    Ralf Heinstein Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Ralf Heinstein

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Heni
    Prof. Dr. Georg Heni Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Prof. Dr. Georg Heni

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Elenya Hoffmann
    Elenya Hoffmann Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Elenya Hoffmann

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Dr. Werner Kleinle
    Dr. Werner Kleinle Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dr. Werner Kleinle

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Liane Kopf
    Liane Kopf Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Liane Kopf

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Philipp Krais
    Philipp Krais Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Philipp Krais

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Teresa Montanaro
    Teresa Montanaro Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Teresa Montanaro

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Dieter Narr
    Dieter Narr Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dieter Narr

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Eugen Rechytskyy
    Eugen Rechytskyy Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Eugen Rechytskyy

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Peter Richter
    Peter Richter Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Peter Richter

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Christine Ries
    Christine Ries Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Accredited consultant in international tax law +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Christine Ries

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Kathrin Sauer
    Kathrin Sauer Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Kathrin Sauer

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Monika Schweizer
    Monika Schweizer Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Monika Schweizer

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Sandra Schäffler
    Sandra Schäffler Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Sandra Schäffler

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Silvia Spallaccia
    Silvia Spallaccia Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Silvia Spallaccia

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • André Tabet
    André Tabet Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    André Tabet

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Heidi Veit
    Heidi Veit Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Accredited consultant in corporate succession - accredited with the German Association of Tax Advisors +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Heidi Veit

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Sina Wache
    Sina Wache Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Sina Wache

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

  • Alexandra Werthwein
    Alexandra Werthwein Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Alexandra Werthwein

    Location: Hauptsitz Stuttgart

Your experts in Munich
  • Kristina Beer
    Kristina Beer Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Kristina Beer

    Location: München

  • Heinz Wilhelm Bühler
    Heinz Wilhelm Bühler Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Heinz Wilhelm Bühler

    Location: München

  • Dr. André Fiebiger
    Dr. André Fiebiger Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Dr. André Fiebiger

    Location: München

  • Franciska Glöggler
    Franciska Glöggler Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Franciska Glöggler

    Location: München

  • Johanna Göttlich
    Johanna Göttlich Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Johanna Göttlich

    Location: München

  • Maren Höfs
    Maren Höfs Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Maren Höfs

    Location: München

  • Anna Junkmann
    Anna Junkmann Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Anna Junkmann

    Location: München

  • Sonja Krockauer
    Sonja Krockauer Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Sonja Krockauer

    Location: München

  • Jasmin Weckerle
    Jasmin Weckerle Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Jasmin Weckerle

    Location: München

  • Andreas Weinberger
    Andreas Weinberger Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Andreas Weinberger

    Location: München

  • Carina Weinmann
    Carina Weinmann Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 89 520337-0 Write email. V-Card

    Carina Weinmann

    Location: München

Your experts in Ludwigsburg
  • Daniel Faust
    Daniel Faust Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Public Auditor)/ Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Daniel Faust

    Location: Ludwigsburg

  • Ewa Kraut
    Ewa Kraut Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Ewa Kraut

    Location: Ludwigsburg

  • Corinna Reimold
    Corinna Reimold Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Accredited consultant in international tax law +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Corinna Reimold

    Location: Ludwigsburg

  • Sebastian Witsch
    Sebastian Witsch Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor), Accredited consultant in international tax law +49 711 48931-0 Write email. V-Card

    Sebastian Witsch

    Location: Ludwigsburg

Your experts in Schorndorf
  • Ralf Friemel
    Ralf Friemel Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 7181 99028-0 Write email. V-Card

    Ralf Friemel

    Location: Schorndorf

  • Martin Lucas
    Martin Lucas Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 7181 99028-0 Write email. V-Card

    Martin Lucas

    Location: Schorndorf

  • Werner Siegle
    Werner Siegle Steuerberater (German Tax Advisor) +49 711 782394-760 Write email. V-Card

    Werner Siegle

    Location: Schorndorf

Sustainability reporting

Mandatory preparation of sustainability reports is coming soon

Prepare today for reporting on your sustainability activities across the dimensions of environment, social and governance (ESG) as part of your corporate sustainability responsibility (CSR).

We support you in analysing your sustainability activities and reporting on them in a structured manner according to EU standards.

Learn more